General Statement of Policy on Health, Safety, and Welfare

The Company recognises that under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 it has a duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practical, the safety, health and welfare of all persons affected by its activities. As such we are committed to complying with the statutory requirements placed upon us, and following industry best practice guidance, relative to the work carried out by our employees and the Occupational Health and Safety Hazards to which they are exposed. We aim to adopt the highest possible standards of safety in all our workplaces and in pursuit of this, we seek to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable:

  • The provision and maintenance of safe workplaces, plant and equipment, and safe systems of work.
  • Clear definition of responsibilities of management and employees at all levels.
  • Provision of appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision.
  • Provision of effective systems of communication on all health and safety matters.
  • Adequate opportunities for employee consultation on health and safety matters.
  • Co-operation with other organisations in respect of health and safety.

These provisions are made in pursuance of our aim to prevent injury or ill health to anyone who may be affected by our work. In order to continually improve our Occupational Health and Safety management systems and performance, we will carry out periodic reviews of these in consultation with our employees. The aim of these reviews is to set Occupational Health and Safety objectives to further improve our performance.


All employees must be aware that they have a legal duty and are required not only to work in a safe manner, but also to co-operate in efforts to create safe working conditions. We will ensure that all persons working under the control of the Company are made aware of their Health and Safety responsibilities as detailed in of this Policy. This will be achieved through induction for employees or provision of the relevant sections of the Policy for subcontractors. The Policy will also be available to other interested parties should they have reasonable cause to require it.


Set out in this Policy are details of the chain of safety responsibilities from the Directors to site. The arrangements for implementing the policy are described in the Policy, which forms the Company's safe working procedures manual, the master copy being kept at head office. Specific training will be given to employees on how to recognise and guard against foreseeable hazards and how to meet the responsibilities placed on them. The Company has a good Health and Safety record. The co-operation of everyone is necessary in order that standards may be maintained or improved wherever possible.

You can download our complete Heath & Safety Policy here.

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